Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hair Myths

For the sake of having lustrous, beautiful hair, women search far and wide, trying out new products, following trends, doing their hair in different styles according to fashion. It is always said that a woman’s hair is her crowning glory, and many women do take it seriously. Unfortunately, sometimes we women get to listen to well-meaning advice from our girl-friends, advice which is at times completely baseless or unproven. These hair myths, so to speak, sometimes only lead to the eventual damage of the hair.

There are many hair myths floating out there, some of which are followed religiously by women totally unaware of the validity or invalidity of these myths. Sad to say, if curiosity can kill a cat, so can ignorance. Hair myths are like that; if they are followed blindly, they can lead to hair damage.

There are a number of hair myths out there and you may already know some of them. Here are some common hair myths:

Myth 1: Shampooing Daily Dries the Hair

Some women believe that shampooing every day dries the hair out. This is not true. What could dry the hair out would be the shampoo that is being used, so it is important to choose a shampoo that is suitable for the hair type – either for oily hair, dry hair or normal/combination hair. Oily hair needs to be washed everyday to get the excess oil out. However, dry hair need not be given the same treatment. Washing the hair with lukewarm water and then applying a moisturizing conditioner is enough. If daily washing of dry hair is necessary, it is important to use a mild shampoo that is made specifically for dry hair.

Straight hair Myth 2: Trimming Leads to Faster Hair Growth

The purpose of trimming is to get the dry and scraggly parts and the split ends out of the hair, therefore making it look healthier and thicker. But trimming regularly does not make the hair grow longer faster; rather it is our genes and our diet that determine the rate of the growth of our hair. Some types of hair just grow slower than others. However, to encourage faster hair growth, a diet rich in protein is recommended.

Myth 3: Hair Develops “Product Immunity” With Regular Use

Some women regularly change their hair care products and rotate brands because they believe that their hair develops product immunity or product exhaustion after prolonged use – the product stops becoming as effective as it was before. This is obviously a myth. Instead of the so-called product immunity, what is happening is that the product builds up on the hair and needs to be washed off. The solution to this, rather than rotating hair care products, is to occasionally wash the hair with a clarifying shampoo to get rid of the product build up.

Myth 4: Brushing Causes Hair Loss

Brushing the hair stimulates the hair follicles to produce more oil. It does cause friction against the hair and scalp so it is important to do it gently and to use a brush of good quality. Just yanking away at the hair causes hair breakage and split ends, rather than actual hair loss.

As in anything, not everything about hair care should be believed. Sometimes, what seems like good advice is only a hair care myth. Be informed and use your best judgment.



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